As part of its commitment to supporting local communities in Apurimac and Cusco in the fight against COVID-19, Minera Las Bambas has been assisting more than 120,000 families during the State of National Emergency.
The strategy developed by Las Bambas focused on two main pillars: strengthening the health and hygiene strategies of regional and local governments; and reinforcing the food security for families as well as collaborating with the education sector and providing humanitarian aid.
Actions to strengthen health and hygiene strategies
- Along with other affiliated companies of the National Society of Mining, Oil and Energy (SNMPE), Las Bambas contributed to the purchase of 500,000 rapid test kits for the Peruvian Government.
- Additionally, 10,250 rapid test kits have been delivered to the Apurímac Regional Government, 2,600 of which were destined for the Health Network of Cotabambas province, in order to strengthen the epidemiological control actions of possible cases of COVID-19 in their communities.
- Deliveries of biosecurity supplies made to 51 establishments in Apurímac (Abancay, Cotabambas and Progreso provinces) and Cusco for the protection of health professionals, National Police, municipal security forces and other front-line professionals fighting COVID-19.
- Carried out disinfection actions in 56 communities of Apurímac and Cusco regions (including their main cities), using “Llinphuy“, machinery assembled by Las Bambas that sprays a solution, harmless to people and animals, that has disinfected 794 km of roads, streets and public spaces to reduce possible outbreaks of COVID-19 infection.
- Two tents with lighting systems were donated, one of which will support the Apurímac Regional Government in installing the COVID-19 Differentiated Care Centre in Tambobamba (Cotabambas province).
- Las Bambas sponsored the second stage of the project, led by the National University of Engineering (UNI), to design a prototype of a mechanical ventilator (called “Suyay”), in order to alleviate the high demand in the country’s hospitals.
- 8,894 cleaning kits (including four reusable masks in each kit) will be delivered to families living in the communities of Apurímac and Cusco regions. 20,000 of the masks were made in the Haquira district in Cotabambas, thanks to the signing of an inter-institutional agreement with its Municipality.
- In the coming weeks, a medicinal oxygen generating plant will be made available to the Regional Government of Apurímac, capable of producing 20m3 per hour, and which will be located in the Guillermo Díaz de la Vega Hospital (Abancay). This will provide oxygen to the health networks, so that they can treat patients in stable conditions.
Actions for food security, education and well-being
- 10,168 baskets with basic necessities were delivered to the families of 78 communities located in the province of Cotabambas and in the districts adjacent to the national highway of the Cusco region.
- In order to contribute to the reactivation of the local and regional economies, 264 local businesses are being supported, with a strategy being developed that allows them to reactivate their services following the guidelines established by the National Government.
- Radio Surphuy (Las Bambas’ community radio station) was chosen by the Ministry of Education and the UGEL Cotabambas to broadcast the Peruvian educational platform “I learn at home” (“Aprendo en Casa”) in Cotabambas province, benefiting thousands of households that receive 30 hours of educational content a week, Monday to Saturday.
- Two humanitarian flights were arranged to benefit 372 residents of Cusco, who were able to return to their homes from Lima.
- Las Bambas will finance the return of residents of Cotabambas to their homes through land transport means, in coordination with local authorities and the GORE Apurímac.
Minera Las Bambas is committed to continuing its contribution to Apurímac and Cusco, in a joint fight to overcome the challenge of COVID-19.
10,250 rapid test kits donated to the Apurímac Regional Government.
Delivery of supplies for establishments in Apurímac.