Testing our emergency response plans at Rosebery

Written by Fiona Sartain     May 5 2020 at 2:54 PM

Management of our Tailings Storage Facilities (TSFs) is an important material issue that requires ongoing, rigorous risk management. Our management approach specifies mandatory requirements for all sites to ensure the protection of life and the environment through a suite of critical controls for the design, inspection, operations, maintenance, management of change and emergency response risks of TSFs. 

In 2019, Rosebery undertook a mock training scenario to test their operation’s emergency responsiveness and plans in the case of a TSF failure. The Emergency Management Team and corporate Crisis Management Team participated in the scenario managed by Ironside Risk Partners, with the proactive participation of key stakeholders including local and state emergency service organisations, local government representatives, dam safety and environmental regulators and some members of the local community. 

This drill enabled the site to test its emergency planning and response, strengthen relationships with key stakeholders, and understand the limitations of local resources in emergency situations. It also gave the site and the Corporate Crisis Management Team an opportunity to develop an action plan and implement learnings into the way we do business to ensure our people and community are safe. 

After the mock training scenario was completed, an action plan was developed by both the site Emergency Management Team and MMG’s Crisis Management Team to address the key findings from the process. Planning also began to test the revised emergency plans and response through a similar scenario during the 2020 year. 

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