Our supplier code of conduct

Written by MMG Limited     March 10 2024 at 4:23 PM

MMG values, strong business ethics and approach to transparency underpins the way we work and grow our operations across complex jurisdictions.


With a large and geographically diverse supply chain, we recognise the importance of setting clear standards for our suppliers, working with those who align with our values and embracing a fair, sustainable, socially responsible and ethical approach to conducting business. Our Supplier Code of Conduct (Code) contains our minimum standards for suppliers (and their subsidiaries and subcontractors) on compliance with laws, human rights, health and safety, environment, anti-fraud, anti-bribery, anti-corruption and other ethical business practices.


We communicate our Code to suppliers during the contracting process and screen them during the onboarding process to be certain they have read, understood and comply with the Code. We monitor Code compliance through our contract management practices. Our suppliers can raise concerns about any actual or suspected breach of the Code with their MMG representative or through the independent MMG Whistleblower Hotline (including anonymously if they choose).

