Cultural heritage walks with traditional owners

Written by MMG Limited     December 20 2023 at 4:42 PM

Our Dugald River team works very closely with the Kalkadoon People, the traditional owners of the land on which we operate.

We have a formal agreement to regularly engage with the Kalkadoon Prescribed Body Corporate on land use. In 2023, the site undertook a comprehensive survey and salvage of the mining tenements, to look for potential additional tangible and intangible cultural heritage, overseen by a specialist. This included six cultural heritage walks spanning a total of 30 days with Kalkadoon People representatives and a consultant.

Detailed mapping and recommendations were produced and approved by all parties. While no new significant cultural heritage artefacts or sites were identified during this process, Dugald River will continue to liaise with the Kalkadoon People.


Pictured Left to Right: (Kalkadoon) Henry Craigie, Beverly Craigie, Samantha Craigie & (MMG) Nick Johnson 
