Global online security training

Written by MMG Limited     December 5 2023 at 5:46 PM

As we move into an increasingly digital and interconnected future, privacy and cyber security measures are fundamental to a stable and continuous operation with protections for our people. We diligently manage these business-wide risks by protecting our online technology and systems infrastructure from potential threats through continuing training and control measures.


Securing our data, devices, networks and workplaces from cyber risks brings several protections. We prevent costly interruptions and, by doing so, safeguard growth, productivity, our business systems and individuals’ vulnerability. Employee vigilance is a key defence measure with an 11,000-strong workforce. Company-wide mandatory security awareness training continued in 2023, alerting our people to recognise common cyber threats at work and in their personal lives. Teams are educated on security essentials and the dangers of ransomware, phishing (being tricked by cyber criminals) and how to report phishing incidents.


No cyber security incidents occurred in 2023.
