MMG’s emissions reduction strategy

Written by MMG Limited     June 3 2024 at 3:31 PM

MMG is progressing against our climate change strategy, which reflects The Paris Agreement to limit human-induced temperature increases and protect communities and natural habitats from global warming. 


Our 2023 Sustainability Report includes detail on our GHG emissions inventory. Our Scope 1 emissions are largely from diesel consumption in our mining fleet, and Scope 2 emissions from the consumption of electricity from the grid. Our operations have been striving to reduce these emissions, working towards our reduction targets of 40 per cent by 2030 from a 2020 base year and net zero by 2050. 


In 2023 we also finalised our first global Scope 3 emission inventory with the assistance of an expert external consultant ERM. Utilising the ICMM Scope 3 Emissions Accounting and Reporting Guidance and the GHG Protocol, the inventory has allowed us to understand that processing of our sold products is our largest area of Scope 3 emissions, followed by purchased goods & services, fuel & energy related activities and then transportation & distribution. 


This inventory has informed our ambition to work towards net zero scope 3 emissions by 2050. Our initial priorities will include identifying opportunities to improve the collection and validation of downstream and upstream data from material scope 3 sources to enhance the inventory accuracy, and then inform a future interim quantitative reduction target.  


We will also investigate potential partnerships with key customers and suppliers and provide support in their decarbonisation trajectories, whilst investigating potential mutually beneficial commercial reduction incentives. 


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