MMG’s human rights commitment

Written by MMG Limited     June 27 2024 at 1:07 PM

MMG recently updated our Human Rights policy, which has strengthened its alignment to the United Nation’s Guiding Principles (UNGP). The updated policy demonstrates our commitment to regularly assess our human rights approach to ensure it is relevant, fit-for purpose, and continues to meet our external commitments including our ICMM membership requirements. 


The policy outlines our respect for the human rights of our stakeholders, employees and contractors, workers in our supply chain, communities, and other groups who may be impacted by MMG activities. It provides a framework for our approach to human rights and applies to our employees, contractors and directors.  


In addition to stronger alignment to the UNGP, there is now also a broader range of human rights issues covered that are relevant to the mining industry and external stakeholders.  


An exhaustive process supported the updating of the policy. Interviews were conducted with MMG’s Human Rights Working Group including representatives from Social Performance, Health and Safety, Human Resources, Legal, Risk and Supply. Also undertaken was a review of corporate policies, standards, frameworks, and peer practice. Input from team members at our assets was also sought and included. 


For detailed information on changes to MMG’s Human Rights policy, please see below. 







Included a reference to not only the VPSHR but also the International Code of Conduct for Security providers.  

 Aligned with the Safety, Security, Health and Environmental standard, leading peer practice and stakeholder expectations.  

Indigenous peoples


Included recognition of Indigenous peoples’ culture and cultural heritage (previously only lands and waters).  

Aligned with ICMM position statement on Indigenous Peoples and Mining, leading peer practice and stakeholder expectations.  



Included recognition of marginalised and at-risk groups for engagement (previously only vulnerable and Indigenous groups). 

Aligned with Social Performance Standard and leading peer practice.  

United Nation’s Guiding Principles


Clear alignment with the UNGPs. Previously the UNGPs were only referred to in relation to the grievance mechanism. 

28Aligned with MMG’s ICMM commitment to implement the UNGPs.   

Internationally recognised human rights 


Recognition of all internationally recognised human rights including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (previously only the UN Declaration of Human Rights referenced). 

Aligned with peer practice and stakeholders’ expectations.  

International standards 


Recognition of additional standards including the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (OECD Guidance) and the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM) 

Aligned with peer practice and stakeholders’ expectations.  

Modern Slavery act


Reference to the Australian Government’s Modern Slavery Act removed.   

The policy does not have to be updated if the legislation changes and demonstrates that modern slavery risk management (including forced and child labour risks) is a global commitment.  

Labour rights 


Respecting broader labour rights (i.e. beyond modern slavery/forced labour) of employees and workers in the supply chain including health, safety, non-discrimination and harassment, freedom of association and collective bargaining and working hours.  

Aligned with MMG’s Code of Conduct (CoC) and the Supplier Code of Conduct (SCoC). In the case of collective bargaining, recommendations have also been made to explicitly include this in the CoC and SCoC.  



Recognition of the human rights impacts on communities (livelihoods, health and well-being) over the lifecycle of the operations. 

Aligned with the MMG’s Social Performance Standard, peer practice and stakeholder expectations.  



Avoiding involuntary resettlement and applying the International Finance Corporation’s Performance Standard 5 where this is not possible. 

Aligned with the MMG’s Social Performance Standard and peer practice.  



Explicitly referencing the OECD Guidance, relevant for operating in or sourcing from conflict affected or high-risk regions (including the DRC).  

Customers and external stakeholders are increasingly expecting a commitment to implement the OECD Guidance and the update is in line with recommendations for MMG to embed the five steps of the OECD Guidance.  



Recognition of the potential human rights impacts with managing storage tailing facilities. 

Aligned with MMG’s Tailings Storage Facilities and Water Storage Dams Standard the GISTM expectations. 



Recognition of the links between environmental impacts, including climate and human rights and work to minimise environmental impacts and support the global transition to a low carbon economy.    

Aligned with peer practice and stakeholder expectations.  

Human rights due diligence 


An explicit reference to conduct ongoing human rights due diligence and identify and prioritise salient human rights risks.

Aligned with MMG’s ICMM commitment to implement the UNGPs.   



An explicit reference to provide for or cooperate in remedy where we identify that we caused or contributed to an adverse human rights impact.   

Aligned with MMG’s ICMM commitment to implement the UNGPs.   

Weaker and conflicting laws


A commitment to apply international human rights standards where local laws are weaker and to seek to respect international human rights where laws conflict.  

Aligned with MMG’s ICMM commitment to implement the UNGPs.  

Learn more about MMG’s Human Rights approach. 

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