We are aware that our activities, and those of our service providers, have the potential to impact human rights.
We operate in a manner consistent with the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the UN Global Compact principles.
We recognise that the concept of human rights covers a broad range of interrelated issues, requiring an integrated approach across numerous business functions. At MMG our Human Resources, Supply,
Community Relations, Stakeholder Relations, Security, Exploration and Project Development functions have specific responsibilities for upholding our commitment to human rights.
We integrate human rights considerations into our Code of Conduct, employment processes, risk-analysis activities and formal grievance processes. We want our people to feel confident to report instances of unacceptable conduct in the workplace without fear of intimidation or reprisal. They can raise concerns internally or through our independent, confidential whistleblower hotline service.
As part of our supplier engagement process we require suppliers to formally agree to comply with our Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption Framework as well as other relevant MMG standards, policies and procedures, including those related to human rights.
We have embedded the principles of human rights in our policies and standards to establish a workplace which respects diversity, where equitable treatment is expected, and where our people are free from discrimination and harassment in any form.
MMG respects the right to freedom of association of all employees and approximately 15% of our workforce participates in collective bargaining agreements.